Just then, a controller inadvertently directed an airplane under his control into the airspace of another controller.
The controllers, in turn, will direct the plane to the head of the line waiting to land.
The controller picked a question category from a set list, then read the question and directed it to another contestant.
Just 16 seconds later, when the controller directed the plane to climb higher, the line went dead.
Shuttle escort," a male controller directed toward one of the Veritechs, "we are at T minus fifty and counting.
Like most major airports, Kennedy uses separate controllers to direct planes on active runways and planes taxiing elsewhere in the airport.
The controller rode in the "leading tank or armoured car" and directed a "cab rank" of aircraft above the battlefield.
The next day, controllers testing T-6s spotted and directed the destruction of seventeen enemy tanks.
If, for some reason, the Soviet controllers directed a high-power radar beam or a laser probe at the freighter, the dust cloud could be penetrated.
The Kammhuber Line used radar to identify the bomber raids and then controllers directed night fighters onto the raiders.