He continued to stand alone, as the great press of Right People continued spreading before him.
When their father retired, they wanted to continue spreading the gift of music so they started Parmalee.
Sally resolved to continue spreading her late husband's teachings, saying after the incident that she had not lost "an ounce of faith".
"I'm thirty years old," Jonne said, as he continued spreading the ointment.
One of these divergent plate boundaries fails (see aulacogen) and the other two continue spreading to form an ocean.
The volunteer appreciators, whose campaign began this month, continued spreading their message around Union Square.
Noctilucent clouds are back for 2011 and continue spreading to ever lower latitudes.
They now "continued their practices within the student body and continued spreading it."
Officials expected the fire to continue spreading east today as winds reached 25 miles an hour, said Jim Payne, a fire information officer.
Jansenism and Gallicanism continued spreading in the French order during his mastership.