Clemens knows he has three and a half months to continue his climb up the career victory list.
He continued his climb and reached the ridge in a few minutes.
As they continued their climb close to the summit, Frank paused and looked up.
It continued its climb to over the next three months, and on May 17, 2013, the index closed above 17,000 for the first time.
The face passed by, the feet continued their steady climb.
To avoid further risk, he continued his steep climb for several thousand feet.
If the market continues its bullish climb for another 10 years, they will still own more than half of the building.
There was no longer any need for Katzen to continue his climb.
Two hundred and fifty feet below him now, the man in black continued his painful climb.
Back home after three years, he continued his climb up the Republican ladder of state service toward the governor's office.