Some argue that even many "substantiated reports involve only minor or insignificant matters, which most reasonable people would not truly consider abuse or neglect".
In most countries, laws are already in place regarding punishment of children that are considered abuse.
Most attention is focused on illicit drugs like marijuana and cocaine, for which any use is considered abuse.
Physicians must also consider abuse in the differential diagnosis for a number of medical complaints, particularly when treating women.
"A kid can hit a sibling once and it can look pretty bad, but that's not what we consider abuse," he said.
Degradation in any form can be considered psychological abuse.
Tying one product into the sale of another can be considered abuse too, being restrictive of consumer choice and depriving competitors of outlets.
It may be trivial or simply not true and can include things many reasonable people would not consider abuse.
Posts that contain pricing information will be considered abuse and removed from public view.