This consent provision is all that we can trust to help us do that.
Many of the amendments, including the consent provision, were among ideas originally suggested by Carolyn H. Fiske, the lawyer for the neighborhood group and a former resident.
In her letter, Mrs. Fiske said town officials need not worry that their approval of the provision "would open the floodgates," allowing consent provisions in other special-permit situations.
I signed into law the parental consent provision in Missouri, as well as a law banning the use of taxpayer funds for abortion.
Similar consent provisions may be contained in the financing arrangements of the vendor's shareholders and ultimate holding company.
But the Court did allow states to impose a number of conditions, like an "informed consent" provision that included a lecture slanted against abortion followed by a 24-hour waiting period.
The parental consent provision took effect this summer.
Even several of the Senate's early rules incorporated unanimous consent provisions to speed the Senate's routine business.
She said without a consent provision, no bill could be passed.
The court ruled that the parental consent provision was unconstitutional due to its universal enforcement.