Basile and eventually received or won his degree in architecture, which at the time was a prize conferred through a competition.
They met Jack's truck coming from the East Ridge Road and stopped long enough to confer through the windows.
Portobello College has its degrees conferred through the University of Wales.
He watches three computer screens, confers with several people and riffles through a pile of papers.
Later, he added, the vision is presented as a way "to confer purification upon them through, in this case, martyrdom."
Translator Anthea Bell has won three of the eight awards conferred through 2011.
TisB is responsible for conferring toxicity through suspected membrane disruption.
The two of them confer through the bathroom door.
It confers degree's ranging from associate through masters and doctoral.
Deeply religious, she is also profoundly practical and confers dignity on her patients through her sensitive, non-judgmental approach.