Another popular Soldat mapping program is Soldat PolyWorks, which has a different control scheme and a much more complex interface.
Package management is handled by pacman, and a simple GUI program is available pending a more complex graphical interface in future versions.
Before, with separate applications to manage different business functions, organizations had to develop complex interfaces for the systems to communicate with each other.
Which isn't surprising given the increased level of processing that was needed for what was then a more complex interface and OS.
Research in recent years is strongly motivated by the increasing variety of devices that can, by virtue of Moore's Law, host very complex interfaces.
The second stage involved a more complex neural interface which was designed and built especially for the experiment by Dr. Mark Gasson and his team at the University of Reading.
As such, CMS games have some of the most complex interfaces of any game type.
In constructability reviews, experienced construction managers look for such items as inappropriate materials, physical barriers, and complex interfaces that will unnecessarily complicate the construction phase.
However, the interface between color and environmental stimuli is a highly complex interface and one which is open to the influence of a large number of factors.
Users can create complex interfaces - called dialogs - for situations where the built-in dialogs in AppleScript are insufficient.