Other complaints raised about the song were that it was hard to remember, uninspiring, and musically complicated.
In other cases the committee may decide that the complaint raises questions that need to be addressed immediately.
A current complaint against The Washington Post raises some particularly tricky questions about jurisdiction.
That's interesting, too, because there have been some complaints recently raised about Apple's nonsynchronous pushing out of updates.
It also says that judges "shall give weight" to findings by federal agencies when considering complaints raised by opponents.
The main complaint raised was related to the delay in accepting federal aid despite the severity of the damage.
The voters' complaints have raised an intriguing legal question: Do the Federal voting rights laws cover white voters?
But complaints from international observers raised questions about the margin of victory.
The main complaint raised there was that Europe is not sufficiently involved in this issue.
Besides its impact on the fund industry, a criminal complaint against Security Trust could raise the stakes for state and federal regulators.