AwoX mediaCTRL is a commercial server.
NoMachine - official site offering client and commercial server.
He logged onto a commercial server, then typed in the address.
Teresa Marcroft, Surf Watch's director of marketing, said the Web site had been blocked by mistake because it shared a commercial server with a pornography site.
The System z9 was the first commercial server to add IEEE 754 decimal floating point instructions, although these instructions were implemented in microcode with some hardware assists.
But some of the servers we use, the commercial servers that we upload our podcasts to, for example, don't use SFTP.
This year Intel is also introducing a technology called hyperthreading, which was first used on commercial servers.
Many commercial servers have protections against such activity, including the ability to detect and ban idle users after predetermined amounts of time.
And as soon as you did that to a commercial server that was online, it was in denial of service.
However, commercial servers usually run UNIX or GNU/Linux operating systems, so this advantage is nullified there.