Like most comic-book conventions, Wizard World Chicago features a large floorspace for exhibitors.
Like most comic-book conventions, the Pittsburgh Comicon features a large floorspace for exhibitors.
The following year, after meeting artist Frank Frazetta at a comic-book convention in New York City, he was inspired to produce his own stories.
It was a cross between a comic-book convention and a class reunion.
Changes in the industry, popular culture, and the resurgent city itself since the troubled 1960s and '70s made large-scale comic-book conventions difficult to hold profitably.
Robert, who wants to be a cartoonist, also wheels and deals at comic-book conventions and recently sold a duplicate for $50.
In February, Midtown will be the official retailer for New York's first major comic-book convention.
Ever since, she has been identified with the role, which she has embraced, frequently appearing at comic-book conventions and fan gatherings.
He returned to the United States in 1998, attending his first comic-book convention, Comic-Con International.
Like most comic-book conventions, Comic-Con features a large floorspace for exhibitors.