He came here after serving five years in prison for fondling a 14-year-old boy, and he had two earlier convictions, one involving a 9-year-old boy.
O'Donnell asked, coming back to the bar after serving the two old bags in the corner.
They were to be the replacement of the classes 507 & 508, which are coming to an end after serving these lines for some time.
Duncan came out of prison after serving 28 months for assaults on young children.
Celeste came to the university last fall after serving as ambassador to India and as governor of Ohio.
Julie later came out of prison after serving time for dealing in drugs.
Bryant came back to Alabama after serving as an assistant coach at Union for their spring practices in early 1936.
Several faculty members have come to the school after serving thirty to forty years in public or parochial school systems.
He later came back after Week 8 after serving his suspension.
Q. What was the first sign that coming home after serving in war zones was going to be difficult?