Instead, its collapse has raised the risk that nuclear weapons, materials and scientists will seep to the rest of the world.
But the impending collapse of the government has raised new concerns that the financial crisis is far from contained.
The collapse of the Soviet Union raises the possibility of hunger and chaos there this winter on an enormous scale.
It was closed to the public in 1990 after the 1989 collapse of a tower in Pavia raised new fears about its stability.
That collapse raised complaints from Democrats that Republicans were irresponsibly leaving them with major unfinished business to take care of next year.
The collapse of the bank raised troubling suggestions that American regulators, who had long had evidence of problems at the bank, failed to act quickly.
The collapse of several insurance companies has raised questions about the industry's soundness and brought cries for greater government oversight.
Though the collapse raised clear questions about the supervision of the job, the Buildings Department shut down the site for only three days.
Barkley's collapse in training camp raised questions about whether his back and overall health will hold up through the playoffs.
The collapse of the Schneider empire raised a serious question about the big German banks.