More significantly, the forecast for the second quarter has actually climbed from 17.6 percent on March 1.
But since the first quarter of 2000 the rate has climbed from 8.4 percent.
The tax rate for all income climbs from 1.5 percent in 1991 to 4.5 percent next year.
The average rate climbed to 6.06 percent, from 5.85 percent a month ago.
It has climbed from 4 percent at the end of last year.
The percentage who had completed four or more years of college climbed from 5 to 19 percent.
There, the figure climbed to 43 percent from 17 percent.
Before that, the operating rate had climbed for four successive months, from 81.1 percent in September.
The rate of economic growth climbed from 3.7 percent in 1991 to 5 percent last year.
Market share climbed to 41.8 percent, from 40.3 percent a year earlier, the company said.