The groundcar slowed again and began climbing a steep incline, its engines laboring from the strain.
To climb or drop a steep incline using a Zig zag (railway)
Ahead of them the path climbed a steep incline to the crest of another tableland.
As they climbed a slight incline, their speed continued to drop.
Although the ground appears level, it's as if 1 were climbing a steep incline.
The truck carrying the crashed Starfleet probe rounded the corner and began climbing a gradual incline.
Any jumping required in puzzle solving is done by climbing an incline and falling from one platform to another.
They were climbing a small incline studded with tufts of grass.
The A6 climbed a treacherous incline while other vehicles backed down for a running start.
Keeping part of her attention on the sounds from Waff, Odrade climbed a sandy incline toward the dark opening.