His long smoking tube was still clenched between his teeth.
I did not want to think about what he was doing to the cigar butt clenched between his teeth.
Given half a chance, he'd probably carry a knife clenched between his teeth while in flight.
There was enough light for her to see that the dead match was still clenched between his teeth as he hit the water.
When he spoke, it was around the cigar clenched between his teeth.
Others held them by the edge of the envelopes or clenched between their teeth.
All he needed, she thought, was a pipe clenched between his teeth.
He pulled in, started to get out of the car, then remembered that the pipe was still clenched between his teeth.
"Oh yeah," the attendant said, the doughnut clenched between his teeth.
A pirate, by God, with the blade clenched between his teeth to prove it.