The clean-cut boys and girls of the world's favourite glee club reappear on our television screens in January (Channel 4).
Neighbors said David was a quiet, clean-cut boy who could be seen meeting the school bus outside his apartment building every weekday morning.
They recalled him as a clean-cut boy who built forts in the woods and played hide-and-seek with others in the neighborhood.
In the station a clean-cut boy in the starched white uniform of the company watched them without interest.
And here he is, the down-home clean-cut boy in the blue tights and red cape".
He coaxes the clean-cut boy in khakis to play a little more as the wild-haired Beethoven would.
That's what small-town America is all about: clean-cut boys, very respectful.
The camera pans to the floor, where one clean-cut teenage boy is gasping, sweating, and convulsing, with his eyes rolled back into his head.
He was so nice ... a nice clean-cut boy.