After weeks of intense inter-party debate, clauses relating to privatization had been omitted.
For most practical purposes, therefore, the meat of the grant lay in the clauses relating to Cumberland, and these were more modest.
The different peace treaties that were signed three years ago, in 1947, contain, if I remember correctly, certain clauses relating to stateless matters.
Explain the reasons why partnership agreements often contain clauses relating to interest, bonuses, salaries and division of profits.
Some clauses relating to the following may be absent.
All agreements signed by the European Union from now on will contain a clause relating to commitments in the fight against illegal immigration.
It was the only international organisation to introduce clauses relating to respect for human rights and democratic values into its relations with Tunisia.
For example, there is a clause relating to visible and invisible motorcycle components.
He proposes that the definition of international commercial relations should be based on clauses relating to production costs and environmental, social and employment standards.
At present, the European Commission is still not allowed to issue any safeguard clauses relating to foodstuffs.