By 1997, more than 100,000 citizens could be serving our country, getting education and training benefits in return.
The citizens of Elephantine had served their prince well.
All 18 to 50 year old citizens of India are eligible for membership and normally serve from three to five years each.
Selected citizens served as jurors, and they were often paid a modest sum for their service.
At that time, compassionate citizens served food to hungry children through the windows of their houses, to which the current practice recalls.
Until then, only citizens from the city of Geneva could serve in the Committee.
Often used in the army, which all male citizens must serve in.
The town suffered punitive fines and some citizens served prison terms.
It was one of the few where black citizens could vote, hold public office, and serve as police officers.
Grandfather has offered to order citizens to serve as my arms and operate the chair for me, but I do not want that.