And Premiere now finds itself competing with Entertainment Weekly, which has seen its circulation soar 51 percent since 1991, to 1.1 million last year.
Its circulation soared from 50,000 in its first months to 450,000 in the mid-1970's to 851,000 today.
Under his management, circulation of the weekly paper soared to over 40,000, a substantial increase from the 1,400 it initially claimed.
The Times claims its circulation has soared by 20pc since it launched the circulation war on Monday.
Under his management, The Sun's circulation soared to nearly 4 million from about 950,000 when he bought it in 1969.
Indeed, while overall public library circulation increased about 11 percent from 1980 to 1986, circulation of nonbook materials soared.
By the end of 1981, The Post's daily circulation had soared to 984,000 from 771,000.
By the 1920's, daily circulation had soared to a quarter of a million.
Since 1998, when ESPN magazine was founded, its circulation has soared to 800,000.
You'll save a shed-load of money and your circulation will soar.