An unlit cigar stuck hi the breast pocket.
Three cigars stuck out of his breast pocket.
Ed has a scowl, a cigar sticking out of his mouth and a rough, gravelly voice.
Beer, cigars, and fatty fois gras will probably stick to his cage like a limpet harbinger that, oh so regrettably, can't be dislodged in time.
He could often be found in a river or lake, floating on his back, a cigar sticking out of his mouth and a hat pulled down over his eyes.
Charlie Burke with his hat on, a cigar stuck in his jaw, enjoying his evening at the Inglaterra.
In an open second-story window he saw the stocky figure of Lieutenant Colonel Mortimer Levin, his hands behind his back, a cigar stuck in his mouth, watching him.
We notice first the funny details: the cigar stuck in the mouth of a Hell's Kitchen gangster, the gun on the pavement beside him, like an arrow pointed at his head.
The head of one of them came dancing down the pavement towards us, a cigar still stuck in the corner of its mouth.
His expression suited Karsh perfectly, but the cigar stuck between his teeth seemed incompatible with such a solemn and formal occasion.