The name was used early on with characters related to Superman.
Gagé finds it remarkable that the characters related to Janus are in the Aeneis on the side of the Rutuli.
Before a stage is cleared these are fixed on certain characters related to the story.
It is possible that there is a variation in morphometric characters related to habitat:
Among the characters related to Norse mythology, the fire giant Surtur is more reminiscent of a demon.
He did not admit that there had been a Christ with the character and mission related by the Gospels.
New games appear when certain characters, trophies or stickers related to the game are unlocked.
Zaran is a Marvel Comics super-villain, and is a codename carried by two characters related to another.
The first steady character related to Isidoro to be created was his uncle Urbano Cañones.
The comic also provides information on the backgrounds and origins of many characters related to Scrooge.