Ruori pulled himself up on the mainmast crosstrees and sat down, casually swinging his legs.
There was more rustling, and the anadvocate appeared from behind the fountain, his own gun swung casually at his side.
Except for the baby-faced guard casually swinging a Kalashnikov, everything seems normal.
Casually swinging the saw in the air, he pressed the safety button and gave the blade an experimental whir.
Jonnie casually swung the door shut behind him, closing out any view of the corridor.
Television cameras recorded Strawberry when he amazed teammates by swinging casually and still bopping several homers in batting practice.
Pitt casually swung the lorgnette around on its chain.
She looked at him in open-mouthed horror while he casually swung on in front of her.
He was sitting on one of the marble benches against the wall, one leg swinging casually over the other, hands clasped on it.
David Justice swung casually and forcefully in the batting cage yesterday afternoon.