In response, the cartel bosses disappeared from public life and proposed an unusual 'peace treaty' to then President Belisario Betancur.
Following lengthy negotiations, which included a constitutional amendment to ban the extradition of Colombians, Escobar and the remaining cartel bosses surrendered and the narcoterrorism subsided.
But, officials say, the Cali cartel bosses in New York and Colombia preferred not to attract the attention of the law or publicity with violence.
At the time of his 2006 arrest, Vargas was on the list of Colombia's most-wanted cartel bosses, with a bounty of $5 million against him.
Forfeiting all of the fees Mr. Moran got from the cartel bosses, she told the judge, "sends a very strong message that this is an attack of defense lawyers."
They reportedly funneled US$500,000 in campaign cash to Colombian President Ernesto Samper through the wife of a jailed Cali cartel boss during the 1994 election campaign.
Or as a US border-town sheriff battling a Mexican cartel boss?
The pilot was quoted as saying the cartel boss, Amado Carrillo Fuentes, had given Mr. Saenz a house in a Mexico City suburb.
Nike, of all cartel bosses.
The $100 barrel is hurting producers, says cartel boss Increasing output 'will not solve world's problems'