A later cable, dated 16 February 2010, described a Ugandan LGBT community which had already been negatively affected by the sentiment.
The comments attributed to Mr. Gates, in a cable dated Feb. 8, 2010, used the harshest language made public so far.
In a diplomatic cable dated 12 June 2007, Blake points out the human-rights violations by the LTTE.
One cable, dated 14 September 1944, requests a $500 bonus for Perl's information on a Westinghouse jet engine assembly.
Iran obtained 19 of the missiles from North Korea, according to a cable dated Feb. 24 of this year.
On 22 May 2011, WikiLeaks released a cable dated 17 August 2009 regarding the furor over Jamaican MPs' nationality issues.
"The Burmese garment industry is booming - growing 45 percent in the last year," said the cable dated last July.
A cable dated 16 February 2010 from the US embassy in Dushanbe, Tajikistan's capital, describes how Rahmon runs the country's economy for his own personal profit.
A cable to the British Foreign Office, dated 4 May, quoted Syrian sources that 2,000 refugees had crossed the border.
But a cable dated Dec. 9, which Mr. Blandon said he had received from General Noriega, clearly indicates preliminary approval of the plan.