Some escort services offer a buyout provision if a customer wishes to date an escort privately.
Contractual protections, such as buyout provisions in a shareholder agreement, have cited as a potential alternative to statutory protections of minority shareholders.
No Guarantee Critics contended that the buyout provision would force many residents out of the city's estimated 52,000 S.R.O. units.
This deal was apparently constructed as a further supplement to the buyout provision contained in Prince's employment contract.
As it happens, only two owners, both in far-advanced development situations, have used the buyout provision.
In addition, Johnson agreed to not having the sixth year guaranteed in return for a buyout provision for himself after four years.
'The Real Problem' If the Legislature should vote to extend the buyout provision, he said, "you will inevitably see litigation over whether a contract has been violated."
Aside from its buyout provision, many other aspects of the single-room-occupancy law are notable.
There would also be a buyout provision, although it would require a payment of far more than what had been borrowed.
Under the contract's buyout provision, the Yankees can let Winfield go next October by paying him 50 percent of his salaries for 1989 and 1990.