Free from her business obligations, she decided to return to her first love - hobbyist electronics.
In order to meet all of his business obligations, Naylor spent a lot of time in the air.
Golf has also become an essential corporate ritual, turning weekend jaunts into serious business obligations.
Apart from a few business obligations, he has hardly visited the city in the last five years.
She was their primary caretaker because her husband's business obligations frequently led to his being away for weeks at a time.
However, this did not prevent Escher from fulfilling his political and business obligations whenever he could.
Bill Rancic, the winner of Season 1, was unavailable due to business obligations.
His father owned and operated an import-export company, and because of business obligations, the family relocated often.
In 2009 he resigned due to business obligations.
He served one term in the Senate, but did not seek re-election due to his family and business obligations.