Large buildings soared in the air before exploding.
With about 90 stories and a height of 861 feet, the building would soar more than 300 feet above the United Nations Secretariat.
The buildings soar into the never-changing rainy gloom.
Around them the building soared in opalescence and airy arches.
Huge high-tech buildings soar into the sky while hover cars and the Rail Whale bullet train travel throughout the city.
Their buildings soar at impossible angles.
But by that time, said Lieut. Angelo Colonus, who manages the building, the prison population had soared, making its original design obsolete.
The broad streets of Deika were paved with flagstones, and the public buildings soared to the sky.
The buildings soared high, painted in jeweled tones, gleaming in sunlight, sighing in moonlight.
The main building soars 243 m (797 ft), splitting on the 33rd floor into two towers.