After the brutal execution of her cameraman, she'd slipped into a state that wasn't quite insanity or rationality.
After the brutal execution of some 1,000 defenders of the Papal capital and shrines, the pillage began.
It is simply inconceivable that anyone survived that brutal execution.
The brutal, unwarranted and unnecessary execution of an unarmed man.
Her seduction of Horatio will eventually lead to his brutal execution.
His assassinations are known to be brutal and ruthless executions.
She shivered involuntarily at the memory of her own brutal "execution," but the light in her eye never faded.
Her lie would bring the brutal execution to a man undeserving.
Naturally he suffered a legendarily brutal execution, as did his heretic followers.
The Taliban, a group that favors brutal public executions and the total subjugation of women, cannot be allowed to return to power.