The address I had turned out to be a "modern" fourplex of shaggy brown shingles sandwiched between two Victorian frame houses.
The single-level shack behind the pumps was brown shingle patched with flattened jerry cans and assorted pieces of plywood.
Nearly every business, from banks to restaurants to the A.&P., is modestly clad in weathered brown shingles.
It was a three-story brown shingle with dormers, bay windows and a screened porch.
It was a well-weathered, three-story structure made of brown shingles.
It was brown shingle in the middle of the block.
Many of his designs involve a facade of brown wooden shingles.
The main house is a two-and-a-half-story frame building sided in brown and white shingles.
It's a brown shingle in a bastardized Prairie Style, situated between two redwood trees.
The exterior of Bibianna's vintage cottage was a shaggy brown shingle, the perfect little snack for a swarm of hungry termites.