Ushogbo was visible though, a glinting brown puddle 200 kilometres away.
In still wet clothes, trailing rainbows which merged into brown puddles, women and men joined hands and began to whirl about the open spaces.
A dark brown puddle of blood spread out from under the body.
There were dried brown puddles in an irregular pattern across the field but little else.
Volpi yelled as he watched the green and brown puddle slowly spreading on the floor.
Tyson stared at it, half submerged in the brown puddle, realizing it was the last thing he'd ever see.
What was left of hers was making a brown puddle on the floor.
Cimorene pointed at the wizards' staffs lying across the scattered brown puddles.
The first showed a bundle on an autopsy table, liquid oozing from the edges to form a brown puddle on the perforated stainless steel.
Before she had the foresight to stop its descent, her dress slithered along with her dignity into a brown puddle at her feet.