The door opened and in waddled a king-size Mickey Mouse with a rusty brown pelt.
His rusty brown pelt lay flat against him, which demonstrated his peaceful attitude.
He wore a yellow skin tone; his brown pelt was glossy and smooth with oil.
Livingstone's eland has a brown pelt with up to twelve stripes.
Che was beautiful from the start, with his dark brown pelt and soft little wings.
The brown pelt was striped in chocolate over the shoulders and back, and the nose was elongated into a prehensile proboscis.
A slick of drool glistened on the brown pelt of his chin.
He watched the herders come across die meadow, their fawn and golden brown pelts melding into the colors of the dry grasses.
A large ground sauinrf1 was harder to recognize; its pale brown pelt was dark and the thick flurry tail was plastered down.
I saw its eyes widen, and its muscles bunch beneath its dark brown pelt.