It was a brown derby, worn straight on the head without an air.
Egghead shifts from having a Moe Howard haircut to being bald, and wears a brown derby, a baggy suit, and a high-collared shirt.
Big men, bearded, festooned with bandoliers of ammunition, dressed in rough clothing and a selection of hats that included a brown derby and a tall beaver.
It was broken at last by the man in the brown derby as he pointed at Sean with the barrel of his Mauser.
Al Smith's brown derby.
Marta Marin de Quispe, wearing a brown derby and embroidered shawl, voted for General Banzer with only good memories of his past.
On the beds in any of his suites there would, at the same time, repose three top-hats, two clerical hats, a green object with a feather, a brown derby, a taxi-driver's cap, and nine ordinary, Christian brown felts.
On the front seat between us was a hat, a brown derby with a red satin band.
That the ball landed in the right-field stands, now dubbed "Ruthville," and hit a spectator who was about to leave the game and knocked off his brown derby, was, well, news.
Then, after filing some mining claims and buying a new worsted suit and brown derby, Wada caught a series of steamers to Nome.