So has the breeding pattern: compulsive eroticism at "lovetime" when the female ovulates, otherwise virtual asexuality.
This slow breeding pattern is typical of small dolphins and porpoises.
The wallabies have a very unusual breeding pattern.
Important information was gathered here, among all that blood and gore: the size of these whale populations, their migratory routes, their breeding patterns.
In recent years, several scientists have found indications that humans still have semiseasonal breeding patterns, with peaks of fertility during spring and fall.
S. p. hefneri are polygamous and do not display an apparent seasonal breeding pattern.
Do these malformations indicate some leftover elements of ancestors' seasonal breeding patterns?
It disturbs the area of use and their breeding patterns and its habitat due to water course pollution and deforestation.
California sea lions have a polygynous breeding pattern.
It is a striking feature in mammals with seasonal breeding patterns at the end of the mating season.