"If they don't start to breathe spontaneously with an open airway, they get a black tag."
They may also have safety valves, which open to atmosphere in the absence of power to act as an anti-suffocation valve for the spontaneously breathing patient.
The patient may still be irreversibly comatose, despite the ability to breathe spontaneously.
Alex had congenital central hypoventilation, also known as Ondine's curse, which essentially destroys the body's ability to breathe spontaneously.
If he is unable to breathe spontaneously it would be cruel to subject him to positive pressure ventilation to prolong his life artificially.
Spontaneously controlled cycling is a flow sensed mode dependent on a spontaneously breathing patient to cycle.
There were three outstanding advantages of the LMA in patients who breathed spontaneously.
The ability to breathe spontaneously depends upon functioning elements in the medulla - the 'respiratory centre'.
But this marginal organism did not breathe spontaneously.
Dynamic hyperinflation can occur in patients with asthma who are breathing spontaneously.