It is not the only brand-new book with her name on the cover.
Because they came in with an armful of brand-new books to sell.
Listen, I've got a brand-new book in, spanking new, not even officially published yet, and this book, it's ten times as good as Chatterley or any similar classic, maybe a hundred times better.
Under this program, one million brand-new books are put into the hands of students, educators, and local and national leaders in 18 countries annually.
People may think as they like about well-thumbed favourites,' thought Paul, 'but there is something incomparably thrilling in first opening a brand-new book.
They come to buy brand-new books (donated by an anonymous benefactor for 18 years) that cost no more than a few dollars apiece.
Owners and employees of Book Sense member stores review these ARCs, along with brand-new books when they are released, and nominate their favorites as "Book Sense picks."
As he took his first steps down toward the harbor, he began to unroll the papyrus of a brand-new book.
(The fact that publishers are having brand-new digitally-typeset books get converted via Topaz is more than a little disheartening.)
He started out with shelves of brand-new, hand-picked books.