There is a certain feeling of security that comes with buying a brand-name product.
Despite the success of his restaurants, none has yet turned into a brand-name product that could be cloned around the world.
When the first generic copy of a conventional drug becomes available, it may cost 15 percent less than the brand-name product.
"What China needs today are brand-name products," he said.
I wanted this to be brand-name products, so I had to get permission.
What benefit would the deal give the company as a marketer of brand-name products?
But brand-name products have higher profit margins, so they are more important to the companies than the generic lines.
They need to show just that their drug is identical to the brand-name product.
Everyone knows that nowadays those brand-name products we see in films are not there just to make things seem like real life.
Moreover, a brand-name product like football attracts a huge audience.