Made to Macy specifications, such goods offer a higher profit margin than brand-name items.
Raffoler imports very low-cost imitations of popular brand-name items from Asia in million-piece lots.
Home Goods will offer more than 200,000 brand-name items, from place mats to Waterford crystal, at 30 to 70 percent off the usual retail prices.
They are all brand-name items distinguished by different price tags.
There's certainly a line that can be crossed when presenting brand-name items as props within the context of a movie, television show, or music video.
Even brand-name items are now being discounted, a rare occurrence a year ago.
Television shows are most desired for product placement due to the ideal interior locations and opportunities to place their brand-name items.
Q. Are health insurers encouraging the use of generics and often not covering brand-name items?
And a lot of what they miss about the East, they say, is the food - specific brand-name items they may have once taken for granted.
It offers a mix of brand-name items, everyday household items, and furniture.