During this time, Hébert had a luxurious, bourgeois life.
During those peaceful weeks Modigliani would occasionally break out from his comfortable existence, as if afraid that he might become sucked into bourgeois life.
I can assure you, I'm not so set on a bourgeois life as Mother and Margot.
This was a Parisian insider who looked at the facts of bourgeois life and made them over in a totally radical way.
It is easy enough to imagine what happens when they turn to the sailor who has abdicated his heroic seafaring role for a bourgeois life.
She took up the role of supporting him and has proved to be the backbone of their bourgeois life together.
Ellmann snubs bourgeois life and celebrates it all at once.
Suddenly, I was face to face with one of the recurring nightmares of bourgeois life.
The verses are especially occasion poems that describe moments of bourgeois life.
If you feel so guilty, how can you justify living a bourgeois life and driving a nice car?