It grows in wet habitat, such as bogs, ponds, moist spots on the tundra, and longstanding borrow pits.
The corps has yet to find enough sites for the so-called "borrow pits" for the soil, which ideally need to be close to the construction sites.
This includes the land take approved by the planning authority, but not borrow pits nearby).
If corps inspectors see sandy material coming from the local borrow pits, Mr. Wagner said, "they say, 'Don't even load that on the truck.' "
The site also has 2 depressions thought to be borrow pits from which the soil to construct the mounds was taken.
It inhabits low wave energy habitats, such as mangrove swamps, borrow pits, and mooring canals.
The large amounts of fill needed for the mounds left large holes in the landscape now known by archaeologists as "borrow pits".
Restoration works on the site were undertaken in 1962 and again in 1981 when the tailings impoundment was covered with about 75,000 m of material from four adjacent borrow pits.
The resulting borrow pits impacted the fresh-water aquifer.
These dredges would pump material from nearby borrow pits to the dam site where it was discharged by pipes along the outside edges of the fill.