The man in that early scene is Eddie Carbone, a Brooklyn longshoreman from the 1950's, and he is played by Anthony LaPaglia with the sort of bone-deep conviction that never lets you separate the actor from the part.
There was pure honesty in his voice, a bone-deep conviction.
Florian had referred blithely to Luke's owning them, with regard to his interest in the radio station, when in fact he was liberal in the extent of the leeway he allowed them, but in a personal relationship, she knew with sudden bone-deep conviction, his ownership would be total.
Anthony LaPaglia gives a performance of extraordinary, bone-deep conviction.
Mr. Fuller defines his characters by how they absorb and digest Waters's anger, and these performers reflect this process with bone-deep conviction.
Anthony LaPaglia gives a performance of extraordinary, bone-deep conviction and is wonderfully matched by Allison Janney and Brittany Murphy as his fellow inmates in purgatory.
A boy who'd never been shot at, who hadn't spent four years living in the daily expectation of death; not the fear of death, so much, as the bone-deep conviction that you were going to die.