Even if Finova ends up filing for bankruptcy, its bonds and bank debt could recover 100 cents on the dollar, he said.
The first part of it is that these bonds sold off sharply and have not recovered much of what they lost.
But stocks and bonds recovered when the Fed's 12 regional banks reported a nationwide slowing of the economy, relieving some concerns about higher rates.
But bonds recovered, pushing interest rates lower for the day.
The bonds recovered after the futures market closed, and the stock slide ended.
The bonds have since recovered because of speculation that Macy would sell an asset or would announce a major restructuring.
The Dow closed up nearly 30 points and bonds recovered a little, with the yield on the 30-year bond finishing at 7.02 percent.
After their early setbacks, bonds recovered, and stock prices moved strongly higher in midsession.
But then the bond recovered, matching its 6.18 percent yield in the afternoon before closing slightly higher.
By late in the day, the bond had recovered some but was still off 23/32 , to yield 7.25 percent.