The lash of flame died down, but not the blood-red glow.
The curves and hollows of sand became places of suspicious shadow, bathed with a blood-red glow that made him cold.
His eyes glinted savagely, almost taking on a blood-red glow, as he saw Remo standing in front of the marble slab bench.
Beams of crimson starlight crossed the hollow, bathing its walls with a blood-red glow.
The sun, touching the horizon, threw a blood-red glow over the plain that seemed fitting.
The sunset faded into the blood-red glow of Sol's recurrent dream.
That evening, to the sound of far-off summer thunder, the sun went down in a blood-red glow.
When he opened the door, the room's only illumination came from the blood-red glow of the dilapidated neon sign over the entrance four stories below.
What they saw was a roiling cloud of smoke lit from beneath by a blood-red glow.