The new government called the Legislature back in session in late 2003, and passed a series of bills relating to its election promises.
But, he said, he continues to receive bills relating to his surgery, including one for $4,000 that arrived just last month.
In this session, there was some bills relating to special education, illegal aliens and others.
After taking office, her government introduced a bill relating to the timing of elections, which was passed on December 6, 2011.
She had a progressive voting record and opposed bills relating to trade with China, since the bills would harm her district.
He further ordered the original bills of lading dated 29 January 1991 relating to the cargo to be deposited with the court.
The bill relating to the Federal Legislative List can be originated in either house.
Your business may receive a number of bills relating to water and wastewater charges.
Each committee is set up to consider bills relating to a particular subject.
For example, a rider to stop net neutrality was attached to a bill relating to military and veteran construction projects.