We can, moreover, be fairly sure that these contacts with other communities had effects which went far beyond the Minoans' original intentions.
LoveHKFilm rated the film as pushing beyond its original intentions, leaving more questions than answering them at the end of the run.
But if you don't know what's being matched, you're in a limbo beyond the creators' intentions.
This interpretation may be exploited for political purposes and then run amok beyond their intentions.
But literary scholars (and Ellison's friends) would surely denounce the publication of anything that went beyond the author's known intentions.
And certainly beyond his intentions.
The damage that has already taken place, the loss of life-these have gone far beyond our intentions.
Ironically, the terrorist attacks have imbued the name with a meaning far beyond the original builders' intentions and a weight transcending its literal associations.
Alienated teens whose "daring crime spree" goes beyond their "innocent intentions."
But the actors often seem to be on different wavelengths, creating an air of disjunction that goes beyond the script's intentions.