Selection involves the exchange of information between applicants and employers.
The mismatch between applicants and job requirements has caused many companies, such as New York Telephone, to work with students in the city's public schools.
Then lets see analysis of how elite universities sort between applicants with A*.
American colleges, new to the Chinese market, struggle to distinguish between good applicants and those who are too good to be true.
Auriemma says that if qualifications are equal between male and female applicants, "you should hire the woman."
Some opponents of affirmative action believe the only consideration in choosing between applicants should be merit.
The department is portrayed as having undergone a change of financial cuts, understaffing and a growing distance between social workers and applicants.
Large graduate training schemes are increasingly using verbal reasoning tests (verbals) to distinguish between applicants.
Those schools will then be in the fortunate position of being able to pick and choose between applicants.
The spreadsheet's parameters have been altered to differentiate between male and female applicants to the university.