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Applicants must have worked in the same place for at least two years.
She would not say how many of the applicants were women.
Since then, the number of applicants has gone into free fall.
She said 15 to 20 of those applicants were black men.
What are the rights of the workers and the job applicants?
They get information from job applicants about their education and work experience.
Since May 1980, nearly 1,250 applicants have been to the board.
All applicants must be between 20 and 35 years of age.
And many applicants are about to find out if they have made the cut.
In the end, he said, no black applicants were turned away for any reason.
All I have to do is turn up and see the applicants,' she said.
Most of the applicants have already tried at least one career.
But when held up against other applicants, many do not make it.
Applicants this year, however, will have something different to look forward to.
"Job applicants have to be clear about what they want."
In the last test, only four of 30 applicants passed.
Health officials said some applicants have had to wait six months.
As a result of this process, few applicants are turned away.
The rest of their applicants must wait, or give up.
Among the applicants for the class of 1992, there were 251.
In 2002, there were 200 applicants for the international program.
In 2002, the number of applicants was more than 10,000.
This year, men make up only 10 to 15 percent of the applicants.
It should be possible to put on about 100 new applicants in an hour.
The school was very popular and had 765 applicants in the first year.