Percentiles refer to a statistical representation of how many hours per year, the concentration C may be exceeded based on the averaging period.
Raising the averaging period to a full day, along with allowing four or five noncompliance days a year, would effectively double the permissible level of ozone.
Since tropical cyclone satellite patterns can fluctuate over time, automated techniques use a six-hour averaging period to lead to more reliable intensity estimates.
To compensate for the danger of rapidly changing sky cover, the averaging is weighted toward the first 10 minutes of the 30-minute averaging period.
The standard averaging period is 30 years for an individual location, but other periods may be used.
The standard averaging period is 30 years, but other periods may be used depending on the purpose.
The maximum length of an averaging period is two years, but it will end sooner if:
In either case a new averaging period begins.
If the total of (1) exceeds that of (2) then the averaging period within which the balancing period falls, ends.
The CCI can be adjusted to the timeframe of the market traded on by changing the averaging period.