For the week, the average climbed 72.10 points, or 2.69 percent.
In the 12 trading days of this year, the average has climbed 206 points, or almost 11 percent.
The longtime average of 75 cents per $100 climbed to $1.14 in 1995.
The average climbed 17.08 points to close at 2,007.63.
The overall average climbed from £750 in 1975 to £8500 in 1990, but dropped more than half last year.
The widely watched Dow average climbed 56.53 points, or 2.1 percent, to 2,734.64.
He led an average of around 10 climbs per year, and maintained a 100% success rate regarding his groups reaching the summit.
Mussina's earned run average climbed in each of his last five starts as he went without a victory.
From £20,000 in 1975, the average climbed to £130,000 (up 550%) but fell back to £72,000 in 1991.
Only the Dow Jones industrial average climbed for the week.