When finally he left Room 246, he knew far more than he cared to know about typical attendance patterns at mall theaters in the greater Chicago area.
The July visitor survey at MOMA QNS revealed interesting shifts in attendance patterns.
Sudden changes in attendance patterns, for example, could signal that a person is facing a crisis and is in need of a personal visit from the minister.
"But if you put them in the right place, the benefits are phenomenal," Recent attendance patterns show that urban parks generate much better patronage than suburban ones or those in neither/nor locations.
They also say the shifts in attendance patterns would force bad schools to become better or to close.
"Those same students shift their attendance patterns when they go to the smaller schools."
The computerised registration systems being introduced into some schools will allow sophisticated analyses of attendance patterns to be made much more quickly.
SRI provided information on location, attendance patterns, and economic feasibility.
He sits beside "Tito's Box," a file crammed with printouts charting each student's attendance patterns.
Three years of evaluation are built into the project to examine test scores, student and teacher attitudes, attendance patterns and discipline.