It wasn't merely that he relentlessly attacked "governmental secrecy, abuses of power, religious bigots, sexism, racism, and, always, public hypocrisy wherever and whenever it arose," Mr. Johnson writes.
Ms. McCaughey Ross has seized on issues with broad political resonance, attacking abuses by health insurers and calling for expanded prekindergarten education.
He engaged in an embarrassingly public soul-searching over whether to attack Mr. Gore for his campaign distortions and fund-raising abuses in 1996.
His plan was to attack notorious abuses one by one; however, in his attempt to improve the system of indulgences he was hampered by his cardinals.
The first is adoption of a rule, modified and weakened from the proposed form a year ago, to attack abuses in the issuance of stock overseas.
Piers Plowman, a popular poetic satire, attacked abuses in the entire church, from Pope to priest.
In that role, McMains championed a comprehensive legislative package attacking abuses in Louisiana's civil justice system.
Though Hankin attacked abuses, he suggested no remedies.
He was an avid reader of local newspapers and even contributed heated letters defending his actions, denying his crimes and attacking perceived Republican abuses.